Full response for the new low voltage ESA technology patented by ACE. After a long test period, ACE ESA24V was put on sale officially and immediately came to fruition the interest already expressed by end users and machine builders, with a number of orders exceeding expectations. Londual anti static bars powered at 24V are placed at the input and output of the printing unit, both in the model Loading From Above and the one with Direct Loading, models that are distinguished according to the applied charging technology for ink polarization. The Loading from Above (TL24) system is provided with a charging bar also powered at 24V, while the Direct Loading (DC24) system is equipped with an innovative loading of the pressing roller system that does not provide elements which are subject to wear or maintenance.
ACE ESA 24V no longer requires the presence of bulky power panels mounted aboard printing elements.
ACE ESA 24V exclusively uses low voltage, so no more power cables for high voltage inside of the printing elements.
ACE ESA 24V is a safe system for both the machine and users.
ACE ESA 24V comes with a software that lets you monitor the efficiency of the sleeves and prevents starting of the system in case of a sleeve used with incorrect characteristics.
ACE ESA 24V is equipped with a management system that reduces the time and start-up waste, and which provides correct parameters for usage in function of the printed materials.
The ACE 24V technology increases Your Safety and reduces printing costs!